Point Park uses Gipper to create social media content that...
Highlights team & athlete accomplishments
The Pioneers use Gipper graphics to celebrate their team and athlete achievements, like announcing preseason conference rankings.

Keeps fans in the loop with real-time score updates
Point Park uses Gipper's score update and results graphics to share results as soon as they happen. That way fans never feel like they miss a moment.

Equitably promotes all teams & programs
Gipper helps Point Park ensure that all of their teams and programs are represented, not just the revenue-generating sports.

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Make your community feel like a part of your program
Don't just keep your community informed. Get them involved.
Grow your athletic program's brand with engaging graphics
Create engaging social media sports graphics that will make your program look good. Stand out with on-brand content that captures the attention of your stakeholders and builds brand recognition in your community.

Showcase all of your athletes and your program's successes
Equitably highlight your athletes and give them all the recognition they deserve. Plus, amplify the great news coming out of your program to ensure that your community is aware of, and appreciative for, all of your hard work.