This is key to your social media strategy. Why?
Similar to your use of logos or colors, this will be how your followers identify your program when they see your content as they scroll through their feed.
The question is, how do you choose your program’s brand voice?
A good place to start is to consider some adjectives that you think define, or will define, your program. Of course, this is totally dependent on your program. Your attitude and your voice are unique to you! It may be a caring and supportive voice, like a parent on the sidelines cheering on their kid's team. Or it could be a more humorous and light-hearted voice.
Let’s look at an example:
The Italian soccer team, Roma, has become famous for their unique voice on social media, and Twitter specifically.
They use a human-like and playful voice that helps them stand out. They make jokes and post a lot of light-hearted content. This helps cut through the noise and ensure stakeholders remember them - rather than their more corporate, competitor clubs.
Some examples from AS Roma's twitter feed (Source: @ASRomaEN)
Choose a voice that you think best fits your program and, most importantly, stick to it! Your “voice” will determine how you are perceived by your stakeholders, and thus it’s critical to remain consistent no matter who is sharing the content. What’s one way to help ensure consistency? Try to use similar language across the board in all of the content you are sharing to social media.
One simple way to do this? hashtags.
For example, the LA Lakers often use the hashtag #LAKESHOW when they post on social media. Not only does this create some excitement around the team’s performance, but their followers think of the Lakers every time they see the hashtag.
Some examples from the Laker's twitter feed (Source: @Lakers)
You can do something similar for your program, just don’t go overboard. One hashtag is likely enough - If you use a lot more you are going to struggle to have any sort of recognizability - which defeats the whole purpose.
Altogether, your brand voice is important for cementing your personality on social media. When combined with a strong visual brand, this will ensure that your followers will start to see a consistent look and feel to your feed. This will garner loyalty and keep your followers checking back for more!
Hope this was helpful and thanks so much for reading!
- Jack
Jack Zamore is the Chief Marketing Officer at Gipper. Gipper is a platform that helps high school athletic departments create professional sports graphics for social media - in seconds, on any device, and without needing any design experience.
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