Create digital newsletters your community will thank you for

Share updates, announcements & more that will drive your community to action. Access ready-made templates and customize with photos, videos, and on-brand graphics. Include clickable buttons & links to buy tickets, submit forms, and more. Then share on social media, email, website — wherever your community is.
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How it works

We've made it super simple


Easy editing you already know & love

Customize professionally designed templates or create your own. Edit pre-made templates with your branding, photos, videos, graphics — or start from scratch with easy-to-use building & formatting tools.


Get your fans excited & active

Add clickable links & buttons to drive action. Give your community easy access to buy tickets, submit necessary forms, support fundraisers & more. Growing your program has never been easier.


Reach your community wherever they are

Social media, email, website — there's no limit to where your digital newsletter can live. Publish your creation and generate a unique link you can put everywhere you need.

Brewsters Newsletters Testimonial
NT Newsletters Testimonial
Kings Newsletters Testimonial-1
Matthew Welsh Newsletters Testimonial

Use cases beyond newsletters

Check out what Athletic Directors, Coaches, and more are creating with Gipper Newsletters.
weekly updates
Weekly Updates

Keep your fans informed with schedule updates, game results, and other stories from your athletics department. 
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visitors guide
Visitor Guides
Give your visiting opponents all the info they need when traveling to your school, from campus maps to facility policies.
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Team Updates
Share more than just score updates. Make sure your fans stay in-the-know about their favorite teams.
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Coach & Staff News
Ensure your coaching staff is always up-to-date. Share important reminders, scheduling changes, staff highlights, tips, and more.
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press release
Press Releases
Share important news and announcements with your entire community, from exciting events to new coach & staff hires.
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Digital Programs
From gameday programs to digital trophy cases to alumni features, share long-form stories, photos, and more with your community.
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Don't miss out — your community will thank you

Start your Gipper free trial and explore graphics, Newsletters, and more!